Monday, September 21, 2009

Simba at Seven Months

Simba has nearly reached seven months (more or less). He weighs in at 45 lbs, and stands about 20 inches. He'll be moving from medium size dog to large size dog if he doesn't slow down soon.

At six months Simba shifted into male cowdog overdrive, becoming more territorial, more possessive, more aggressive toward outsiders, and more competitive with Chelly. I've been implementing some of Cesar Millan's techniques with great success and watching Simba become more calm, confident, balanced, and even submissive around other dogs. It's a long process, not always easy, sometimes frustrating and sometimes a bit ridiculous. The following technique is not for sissies, but it works very well for introducing an aggresive dog to a new pack.

I tried this method today with Simba and the Beans & Weenies Gang at our neighbor's home, Bob and Lisa's mini-ranch. I introduced Simba to the happy farm consisting of a half dozen goats, several miniature donkeys, and three dogs as Cesar Millan recommends. I picked Simba up as we entered the barn yard with his rear end facing toward the happy mob of critters. NOTE: This posture will immediately humble any agggressive pooch and render him docile in front of his peers.

I then carried him around the barnyard--assbackwards allowing all the critters to sniff his rear end. I don't recommend anyone using this technique for introducing a spouse or date at family gathering or office party. It does, however, seem to level the playing field for the four-legged social crowd and put everyone on even footing.

When I set Simba down to touch noses with Beens, Weenies, and Three Wire (the newest cowdog mix in the neighborhood)., Simba was instantly calm, compliant, and ready to greet his friends. No barking, no nipping, no raised hair, no snarling, no jumping, no dominating behavior. Simba just rolled over, let Three Wire sniff him calmly. Then off they pounced across the pasture. The pack was suddenly balanced and happy with Simba's presence. I let them play for an hour then returned to find the gang happily snoozing in a heap under a juniper tree in the warm autum sun.

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