Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July in Montreat, NC

We arrived in Montreat, NC to celebrate 4th of July. My sister Marianne, her husband Egdar and children Daniel and Jenna with their little cowdog Hanna in tow from Missouri greeted us at the Comfort Suites in Black Mountain, NC. Our family reunion was a bundle of hugs, cowdog tumbles, tangled leashes, laughter, and grassy rumbles down the hill--children, Edgar, and three cowdogs rolling and flipping over one another . We drew quite an audience around Lake Suzanne at the heart of Montreat on Friday night as the barn dance was in full swing. Families gathered round us laughing at Hanna and Simba's antics, tussling and tumbling, spinning 360 degree turns around one another while Chelly cautiously monitored the puppy chaos. Five or six groups of onlookers joined our little family circle to watch the cowdog circus asking again and again, "What kind of dogs are those?"
Australian Cattle Dogs are apparently a bit of a novelty in this part of the world. I know that we're beginning to sound like Cowdog Evangelists. We're not alone. My sisters is a "born again" cowdog lover herself--she found religion, you might say, when we surprised her with her own red heeler puppy we named Hanna during our trip to visit them in Mountain Grove, Missouri last fall. Marianne's first response to the wiggling bundle waiting for her on her front porch was, "That better be a stuffed animal." Within 24 hours, Hanna was a full member of the family tribe. And now Marianne wants to breed Hanna to another red cowdog to raise her own litter of Australian cattle dogs.

Why do we love cowdogs??
*Each one is unique--you never know what you are going to get in shape, color, and size;
*They are the quintessential "mutt" mixing the best of so many breeds; nothing fru-fru or fussy about them;
Some of the traits that seem characteristic of breed:
*Stamina and energy;
*Eager to please;
*Near you but never in your face;
*Loyal and Patient;
*Strong memory;
*Agile and fast;
*Not barkers;
*Not lap dogs;
*Need minimal grooming (hearty coat for outdoors; light shedding indoors)
*Great traveling companions;
*Critical and discriminating;
*Gentle with children;
*Cautious with other dogs;
*Perfect size (15-18" 35-50 lbs)--the jury is still out on Simba who could be part boxer or great dane by the size of his feet;
*Never want to be far from you (live up to the name "heeler");
*Like to keep the pack together--promote togetherness.

We can't imagine wanting any other breed. And every cowdog owner we meet says the same thing. What is your experience? We're eager to hear your cowdog stories.
Happy Fourth of July from Montreat, NC with Chelly, Simba, and Hanna (and their "peeps")!

1 comment:

  1. I love this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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