Monday, July 6, 2009

Family, Tradition, 4th of July & Cowdogs

Some Montreat moments to share. Fourth of July in Montreat is a happy, boisterous, and big family-centered occasion that begins with the parade through the center of the village complete with bagpipes, children in costume, family groups across generations. The Medina clan, cowdogs, and Ross and I joined in the Montreat rites of summer, watching the parade, sharing bar-b-que with the Kells clan, and taking the kids boating on Lake Suzanne. Clumsy Simba nearly rolled off the bank a half dozen times, rescued by Jenna as he tumbled and teered over the rock walls. Hanna's irrepressible energy has surprisingly "cowed" our two cow dogs--they have met their match. Here are some fun scenes from the 4th of July festivities through cow dog eyes.


  1. Oh I missed the parade! I wish I could have seen the infamous Bannerman family and their traditional float.



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