Friday, July 3, 2009

The Journey: Endings and Beginnings

We've made this pilgrimage to North Carolina through the southern U.S. for over twenty years, launching out from home bases in Florida and Texas. Montreat, North Carolina is our ultimate destination to the Kells family home nestled beside a stream in the green mountainside. The stone and redwood "Glass House" is now for sale. Ross's parents recently decided to move to a retirement community. Our granddaughter Bailey will never know the Montreat her mother once loved.
This is the first time we have made the journey to the Blue Ridge Mountains without our three children, and the first time we've made the journey from New Mexico. All three of our children are now grown and scattered--California, Texas, and New Mexico. Cow dogs fill the melancholy sense of something missing. Beneath the canopy of Queen Ann's lace, mountain laurel, and rhododendrum, we once experienced this beauty through the eyes of children. Now we will expereince it through the eyes of two curious cow dogs.
My sister Marianne and her family along with their beloved cow dog Hanna will meet us there to say good-bye to the big house and the memories of growing lives over twenty years. It is an ending and a beginning for all of us. A patchwork of stories. Chelly and Simba help us weave those stories together in a new and colorful pattern.

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