Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Coyote's Gift

He comes with summer
wind, coyote pup, red cub
joins our mountain tribe.

As I sipped my morning tea after a gentle summer rain, a sable coyote walked down our driveway to watch Chelly and Simba frolicking on the porch. He appeared without notice, stood quietly and poised, observing his handiwork, the outcome of multiple machinations of the past week. There was magic in air as the coyote studied the three of us. Simba wiggled to the edge of the porch for a closer look. Chelly's ears perked up, a low gutteral growl rumbled from her as she watched the coyote retreat and skulk across the street. Storm clouds gathered around South Mountain as Chelly, Simba, and I watched the coyote gracefully trot back up the hill and disappear into the pinon forest.

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