Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chama Goes to Cadaver Dog School

It was off to cadaver dog school for Chama on Tuesday, June 26th. Reading my mind and my evil intentions to turn her over to the FBI for Special Ops in the Middle East, Chama was the picture of compliance and obedience. Needless to say, she returned home with me and her cowdog companions. Chama made a gaggle of new friends including Batman (the coyote/shepherd mix), Toby (the hound/lab mix), Pooh (the lab/heeler mix), and the over-enthusiastic and over-achieving border collies.
Chama was given a set of problems on the training course which she solved after several attempts. She was much more interested in playing in the wading pool and romping with the pack across the pink mesa below South Moutain.

 Pooh (above) is a lab/heeler mix like Chama and Simba--ever eager to splash in the wading pool.

 Chama making friends with her classmates at Cadaver Dog School.  All the students and their trainers are volunteers in service to the local New Mexico search and rescue program.  Wendy and her team of search and recovery dogs travel nation-wide.

Chama's affinity for finding bones (and other creepy things) has found a productive outlet with Wendy and her gang at the cadaver dog school. 


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