Monday, June 25, 2012

The Very Definition of a "No Good Very Bad Day"

As predicted, Chama failed to learn the life lessons of porcupines. Chelly and Simba high tailed it out of the bushes when they came upon a fat porcupine on top of the mountain last night. Chama, however, took the challenge as defense of cowdog honor.

I tried a series of creative restraints--Ross was on his way to Knoxville, TN.  After three hours and much thrashing and gnashing of teeth, I called it quits. With battle scars (for both Chama and me), I drove her to the local vet's office in defeat the first thing this morning. Two hours and $200.00 later, Chama returned home groggy and crestfallen.

It's off to bootcamp tomorrow to see if a little agility and obedience training can help save Chama from herself.

In a desperate plea for help, I contacted Wendy at the "cadaver dog" training school here in Edgewood where Wendy trains dogs in search and recovery for the FBI.  If Wendy can't help, I'm afraid Chama will be literally a "cadaver dog."

I was ready to ship Chama off to the war zone in the Middle East after last night's mis-adventures, but when Bobby the vet technician greeted me after Chama's quill extraction, she said, "Chama was sound asleep until she heard your voice, then she perked her ears and came out of sedation ready to go home." 

I brought the mis-matched googly eyed never-do-well cowdog home this afternoon and fed her slices of smoked turkey as she recovered in her doggy bed in the livingroom.  Why is that a dog can bring out the best and worst in all of us??

This is indeed the definition of a "no good very bad day."

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