Wednesday, July 20, 2011

News from Hawaii

A belated (by me) post from Mary Kay:

Aloha Beach/Cowdog Friends,

Here's a quick update on Cooper's latest antics.  He went on his first camping trip last weekend at Kainaliu Beach.  He did great, and was able to really bond with his friend (Nancy's dog) Dukie (who was Bravo's BFF).  Duke is much older and sore, so now Cooper has it down that he can only play with her strong head (she's mostly pit bull).  I think Dukie actually rather enjoys the little nibbles on the ear and stuff, who wouldn't?  But when Cooper has gone too far she'll let him know.  They had a blast together running around in the tide pool at both low and high tide.  My battery went dead in my camera, so I only got pictures at low tide.  The tide pool is the size of an Olympic swimming pool, and when it fills up at high tide, plenty of floating and frolicking goes on.  Cooper also had fun playing with Lilikoi, who is about 31/2 years old.  It was cool for him to play with a person closer to his size.  She was pretty tough, especially when she was laying down and Cooper would munch greedily on her hair.

Coop and neighbor, Peabody, have been continuing to practice some serious dog play everyday.

See attached photos.  I've also included a chart I found interesting on calculating your dog's age in human years.  It's rather different than the old belief that for every human year, a dog ages 7 years.  This one makes more sense to me.

Love and Aloha,

How old is YOUR dog in human years?

                               HUMAN YEARS

Pet's Age              Small/Medium Breed                Large Breed
3 mon.                                6                                              3
6 mon.                                12                                            8
1                                         17                                            12
2                                         23                                            24
3                                         27                                            30
4                                         32                                            37
5                                         37                                            43
6                                         41                                            50
7                                         46                                            57
8                                         50                                            63
9                                         55                                            70
10                                       59                                            77
11                                       64                                            83
12                                       68                                            90
13                                       73                                            97
14                                       78                                           
15                                       82
16                                       87
17                                       92
18                                       96

Ed's note: Simba is very happy about this!

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