Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Island Puppy Love

Hey Gang!

My summer break is almost up. These cowdog blogs will be fewer and farther between when I get back to work, and my college course starts up.  It has been nice to have the leisure to sit around and do this.  I don't have time to do much of anything once I'm in my routine...  blah blah blah - you all know how it goes..

Cooper and I have been taking daily hikes on the trails near our house.  On the "King's Trail" in these photos I have a couple of extra special spots.  When Laurel was here visiting in June, she and I took some of Mom's ashes and spread them in a couple of spots we thought that she would like.  I think I already sent photos.  It's been really nice to go back to those lovely areas near my home and reflect on Mom, as well as other parents I have said Aloha to in this life.  I love how nature's forces imply the presence of the "spirits" of loved ones lost: the kiss of a breeze, the warmth of the sun on my face and back, the strength of the waves rolling against the lava rock, the soft and pleasant fragrance of the plumeria flowers. 

Cooper especially enjoys these walks, too, and seems to tune in to the special places.  I've included pictures of Mom's bench, which she had never been to, but we sprinkled some ashes there because we knew that she would have loved the shady spot with a gorgeous ocean view.  The other pictures are of Cooper being the natural ranch manager leading the way for the herd (me) to follow. 

I'm taking up so much space in cyberland with my rambles about our new puppy.  If you'd like to share pictures, experiences or any other dog drama or pet tales with me I'd love to hear them.  Thanks for listening.

Puppy LOVE, licks, drools and hugs,

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