Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Island Cowdog

I got a joyous email from Mary Kay. You may remember she had to say goodbye to Bravo last summer. Here's her post:

I had no intention of getting another Healer. Bravo was enough to last us a lifetime. We still miss her so much, but it's been almost a year since she's been gone. Now I'm on summer break from my job, so it's a good time to take on a new canine BF. Blaine and his girlfriend were just visiting for a couple of weeks and found these Healer pups with a bit of Border Collie on Craig's List. When we took a small road trip to Hilo we thought we would just look. Well, you can't go check out Healer pups without taking one home. So, meet Cooper; Alice Cooper that is (look at his eyes). He's so adorable, and brings spark and joy into our lives. Ross, you've inspired me to do a mini "cowdog blog" to Blaine and his girl, who are responsible for finding him and who had a hard time saying goodbye, and so that Sean will get to know him before he gets a chance to come meet him.
Since we don't have a ranch, Cooper will be a beach dog like Bravo was.

Love to All,

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