Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pin Cushions

We got away to the cabin for a couple of days. In the cowdog world, here's the tally:
--Chama drank half the acequia and peed in her sleep in the backseat of the truck twice.
--Chelly got creosote all over her requiring mineral spirits and a bath.
--Chelly and Chama rolled in a dead fish requiring baths.
Sorry, no camera handy after the porcupine attack
--All three went after a porcupine. Simba and Chelly only had pin-cushion noses, but Chama; she had quills on her nose, gums and in the roof of her mouth. We had to tie her down with two leashes in the bed of the truck and sit on her for the painful, painstaking, pain-in-the-ass removal of three or four dozen quills. Did she learn anything from this? Highly unlikely.

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