Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cowdog Club activities for last week

On the hike up to Chelly's Peak (Colorado)


We had a wonderful, if quieter, week at the cabin with the pack. Went on 2 three hour hikes in the mountains and along rivers. Spotted a bear, a marmot, a beaver, rolled in a dead porcupine (taking quills home in lips and feet as souvenirs), lost a (New) Mexican standoff with a rather large bovine, chased a duck, chased a big buck, split a few foot pads on sharp rocks, went for many many many swims in the acequias and rivers, searched unsuccessfully for a pot of gold in our front yard, tracked much mud in the house, and generally forgot how to walk on a leash. You haven't lived until you have awakened in the middle of the night with the silvery moonlight playing on wood cabin walls, and heard three tired, happy cowdogs snoring in unison. Ah...contentment at its finest.

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