Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cow Dog on the Town: Chelly & New Friends

Chelly and I joined family and friends at the Flying Star on the Bosque yesterday while Simba stayed at home with Ross for time in the garage and a little "male-bonding." Chelly met "Magpie," a rescue blue heeler from Magdalena, New Mexico, and Abby, a red heeler/shepherd mix over lunch on the patio of Flying Star.
An overly-enthusiastic golden retriever named "Love Handles" stopped by at our table and helped herself to Chelly's dog biscuit (needless to say, Love Handles didn't make the blog). Chelly finished her day on the town at Hallee's Casita in Nob Hill to say hi to her cousins, Oliver and Olivia--finishing off their bowl of dog chow while no one was looking (I guess, in the cow dog universe turn about is fair play).

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