Sunday, May 2, 2010

Simba: Discovering His "Inner Lab"

The mystery of Simba's other half has finally been solved. The moment we walked the shoreline of Navajo Lake last week, genetic memory kicked in and Simba discovered his "Inner Lab." He instantly jumped into the snow-fed water without reservation as Chelly, ever the calculating cowdog looked on with suspicion. Simba disappeared into the deep end of the lake, submerged over his head, turned around and paddled for shore. A little surprised and disoriented, as if to say to all of us, "Hum, why did I do that?" Simba surveyed the situation again. Chelly deferred to her dingo Aussie side and remained firmly on dry land. But Simba heard another calling. He immediately jumped back into the lake paddling the shoreline with abandon in as Chelly scowled at him for upstaging her. Simba spent the rest of the afternoon gathering sticks along the sandstone beach, bringing them to us to throw into the lake, and paddled back and forth through the chilly blue waters. A quick internet search confirms our conclusion about Simba's genetic mix. Note this kindred soul--another "Lab Healer" named Teddy (on the left above).

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