Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

We had a great Labor Day weekend in Chama, including (count 'em) six dogs!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Simba and the Longest Day

The day before my 55th birthday, I decided to reprise my Sandia Crest hike of 5 years ago. The plan was for Simba to do the first half with me, then come home to rest when Michelle met us at the Peak, thereby sparing him the second half. Unfortunately, we didn't get to the Peak before Michelle had to go teach, so he had to do the whole thing with me. The last couple of hours, he was convinced I had no clue where we were going. Definitely his longest day ever! Man, that dog can drink some time, he gets to carry his own! Here are some pictures from our 26 mile hike:


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chama's Bell

We've had a few run-ins with wildlife lately...or Chama has. We grew tired of her antics, chasing deer and elk, and decided to give them a fighting chance. The cowbell she now wears fits the bill, and she actually thinks wearing it is a privelage, since the other dogs don't have to. Pretty entertaining, especially when she jumps in the water. It also helps Chelly to stay with us, since she is going blind.

I'm Special!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Random pictures from the Broom's visit

One must be very patient when herding kids

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sweet Revenge

The cowdogs invaded our friends' property on a recent walk. This is where the scary dachunds live that tormented a young Simba. Since they're out of town, revenge was sweet.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Autumn Colors

 We took our usual hike up to Chelly's Peak earlier this year, and the colors were perfect! We didn't even have to dodge hunters since it was before the season. The cowdogs got to see turkeys, pheasants and even chase some stray cows! It was naptime on our return to the cabin.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Tribute to Alaska: Her People and Her Dogs


White sprigs of summer,
tundra heather, soft with life
we walk, absorbing earth.

1 August 2012
Savage River, Denali National Park

Saying Good-Bye to Alaska

Our final hours in Alaska were with Heather, her dad, and his gold panning companion, Beau, the Antler Dog. Beau jumped into the back of Chuck's ATV on command eager to head out for new adventures in the gold mines, eighty mile outside of Wasilla. Hospitality and adventure go hand-in-hand in the land of the midnight sun. 

I think Beau might be Chama's soul-mate.

Imagine all the bones and antlers out there just waiting to be found.


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